Weather in Ireland

Weather in Ireland

Ireland has a maritime climate which means we do not have regular extreme weather occurrences. The weather in Ireland is generally mild throughout the year.  In Winter, the temperatures rarely drop below freezing and in Summer they rarely go above  25°C. It is always advisable to bring the most appropriate clothes for your stay in Ireland.

Spring and Summer

In Spring (March to May) temperatures can fluctuate between 8°C to 14°C. Many days can be very pleasant but you can get the occasional cold spell, so make sure you bring some warm clothes. Summer (June to August) has the warmest months with temperatures ranging between 15°C and 21°C. It is rare to get long periods of rain during this time but you can get sporadic showers so pack a light raincoat.

Autumn and Winter

Autumn in Ireland (August to October) can be a very mild. Temperatures can still be fairly high for Irish standards, 14°C and 18°C. The coldest months occur during the Winter months (November to January) but freezing is intermittent and snow is extremely rare.

When to visit Ireland

Visiting Ireland anytime of the year is very enjoyable as the weather conditions are very favourable for travellers. The summer months can get very busy with tourists but also provides travellers a chance to take part in festivals and see the full-bloom of the Irish flora and fauna.  Autumn and Spring are less busy with tourists and the sunlight during this time of year offers a magical feeling to the cities and countryside. Winter, although sometimes cold can also be an enjoyable time to visit and you can often get great value in accommodation. 
