Lectures & Timetables
Our Bachelor of Business degree programme is delivered in both a full-time (day) and part-time (evening) basis.
Full-time mode
As a full-time student, you will study over four days with classes usually starting at noontime. You will benefit from blended learning which incorporates both Face-to-Face lectures and online activities. In addition to this, throughout the semester you can take part in workshops and demonstrations that will lead you towards a better understanding of your coursework.
Galway Business School lectures typically run from Monday to Thursday (except bank holidays when lectures can be rescheduled to other days). The full-time classes run in the afternoon between 1.00pm - 5.00pm. The part-time evening classes run between 6.30pm - 10.00pm over two evenings a week. Occasionally, you may be expected to attended tutorials and workshops on Friday or Saturday, and learners will be notified in advance.
January intake students
The January intake is subject to timetable adjustments. Learners commencing their degree program in January may continue with Semester Two during the summer period, depending on class size and demand. The timetable is reviewed regularly and is subject to management decisions. Please note that the second year of this three year programme begins in September of the same academic year where students will join the previous September cohort.
Part-time mode
As a part-time student, you will study over two evenings per week during the academic year. The course is developed to provide blended learning, so course material is delivered through Face-to-face learning and online activities.